Lives and works in Pasca (Hungary)


In her paintings, Irina Drozd depicts a fantasy world filled with amazing creatures and characters: her toy monsters at the same time touch and frighten, sometimes enchanting, and presented to the viewer on silver platters can cause disgust at all. The heroines of her paintings are almost always girls, girls, women - often in pairs or doubles, with animals or monsters. The artist explores the nature of femininity, modern stereotypes, and new archetypes of femininity, and also often refers to the theme of childhood and play.


From 2016 to the present, he has been on the list of the Russian investment art rating 49ART. Group and individual exhibitions were held in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Lyon, and Budapest. The artist's works were exhibited at the Moscow and Krasnoyarsk Biennales of Contemporary Art. She took part in the residencies of the Marino Marini Museum in Florence, the Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris, as well as in the Berlin Higher Art School Berlin Weissensee School of Art.


The artist's works are in the collections of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the State Center for Contemporary Art in Moscow, the State Center for Contemporary Art in Krasnoyarsk, as well as in private Russian and foreign collections.


Education and residences: 


2019 - Florence, Italy, Marino Marini Museum, residence. 

2019 - Budapest, Hungary, Hegyvidek Summer camp. Residence.
2014-Paris, France, residence Ivry sur Siene, RX Gallery
2013-Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris,France, Artist-in-Residency
2013-Groningen, Netherlands, Artist-in-Residency
2010-Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France,  Artist-in-Residency
2007- High Art School in Berlin (professor - Werner Liebmann)
2003-2009 - St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design (former - V.Muhinoj), 1997-2002 - Venetzianov Tver  High Art school


Solo exhibitions:

2021 -«Dinner with the monster” HAZE.GALLERY, Berlin
2020-«Collectress » Museum ART4, Moscow
2019- «Pain in the back», Art Market Budapest, solo booth at Alvitr Gallery. Catalogue
- «Code of silence» Museum Marino Marini , Florence, Italy
2018-2019-«Quiet games», AnnaNova Gallery, S-Pb, Russia
2018 - «Love me as I do», Freud Museum, Saint Petersburg 
2017-2018-«When God was young»  UVG Gallery, Bubapest, Hungary
2016-«I do not want to be old» GridchinHall, art center Mocow
2015-"I know what you did when you were thirteen" AnnaNova Gallery, S-pt
2014-«The Illusion is More Horrifying Than the Reality » GridchinHall, Moscow
2013-"Another dimension"Erarta gallery, Zurich
2012-"Sterille cleanliness" Fine Art Gallery, Moscow
2011-"Another dimension"AnnaNova Gallery, St.-Pb
-“Beauty contest” Fine Art Gallery, Moscow
2009    -“Kafel”, Guelman Gallery, Moscow
-“Forward in the past”, Luda Gallery, St.Petersburg.


Group exhibitions, selected:

2021-“The day after” Kurykhin Center, S-Pb
-“A következő napon”, ( “The day after”), Miskolci Galéria , Hungary 
-“Millennials in Contemporary Russian Art”, The Russian State Museum, Saint-Petersburg, catalog 
-“Hidden places”, Maxart Foundation, Moscow 
2020-«Gifts to the Russian Museum from Artists and Collectors. Selected Works. 1898–2019» The Russian State Museum, Saint Petersburg. Catalog
-«Spring», The best Russian artists by 49Art Raiting. Moscow. Catalog
-«Art science project» РОСНАНО, Moscow
2019-«Dreams: public and private», Osobnyak Kusheleva-Bezborodko, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Catalog
-«Offline/Online», DK Gromov, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Catalog
-«World Art Road Show», Winzavod, Moscow, Russia
-«Plastic mass», The Russian State Museum, Saint Petersburg. Catalog
-Hegyvidek summer camp, Budapest, Hungary. Hegyvidek gallery group exhibition 
-«Nepokorennie in time and space», DK Gromov, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Catalog
-«Wrong Reality» Hegyvidek Galeria, Bubapest , Hungary
-«Beauty +/-», Central Exhibition hall «Manezh», Saint Petersburg. Catalog
2018-«Apology of Delusions», MMOMA, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Catalog
-«Russia. 21st Century Realism». State Russian Museum, Kazan, Catalog
-«Tragedy in the Corner», Moscow Museum, catalog
Art Market Budapest, UVG Art Gallery booth
-«Mind the children», Saint Petersburg art Museum. Catalog
2017 -«Nepokorennie prospect», MMOMA, Moscow, parallel Programm - Biennale of contemporary art, catalog
-«Gallery Fine Art. 20 years in art» Winzavod, parallel program - Biennale of Contemporary art. Catalog
-«Human interest», Grand Marina, Sochi, Russia 2016 
-«The collective conscious. Dialogues with the classics», Centre for Contemporary Art Winzavod, Moscow 2015 
-«We must cultivate our garden», Anna Nova Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia


WORKS [Selection]

All works by Irina Drozd see shop for purchase