MILADA KOPELIOVICH                   


Milada Kopeliovich, born in 1991 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, is an accomplished artist specializing in painting. In 2011, she studied "Foundation in Art and Design" on a scholarship at Wakefield College, United Kingdom. In 2021, she graduated from the I.E. Repin Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, Russia, with a specialization in Monumental Art, receiving the prestigious "Best Graduation Project 2021" medal from the Russian Academy of Arts (RAA). Her graduation project is now part of the permanent collection at a State Museum in Moscow. Her works are also held in private collections in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, China, Italy, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Currently, the artist resides and works in Budapest, Hungary and plans to gain recognition through exhibitions and collaborations with European Artists.




Born in 1991 amidst backdrop of post-Soviet Kazakhstan's transformation, my artistic journey has been shaped by the profound societal changes and the tumultuous emergence of a nascent nation. Drawing sustenance and inspiration from the chaos that enveloped my homeland, my work explores the contemporary human experience, shaped by the loss of global mythologies and gives an apocalyptic aftertaste. Grounded in figurative painting, my recent series features a recurring character, offering viewers an intimate perspective on universal themes of alienation and the search for belonging in a world estranged from itself and increasingly defined by individualism. Central to my exploration is the concepts of freedom and alienation, eschatology and late-capitalist mythology —a multifaceted and often paradoxical notions of the contemporary zeitgeist. In carefully crafted composition, I endeavor to maintain an unfiltered connection to my visceral reactions to the surrounding world. I have consciously chosen to address these profound questions through a deeply personal lens. Despite the veneer of subjectivity, the questions I probe are universal. I do not harbor the illusion that my paintings possess the power to reshape the world, rewrite its laws, or redefine its culture. However, I do believe that in the silent spaces of my canvases I can provoke reflection, fostering connections in an age of disconnection.





2015 -2021


St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. I.E. Repina, Russia

2010 -2011

Foundation in Art and Design, Wakefield, UK

2006 -2010

Almaty College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kazakhstan





“Voice of the Cities” Museum of Contemporary Art Erarta, St. Petersburg, RU


“Human Resources” Cultural Center "Dialogue", Veliky Novgorod, RU


“View of Descendants” Museum of Contemporary Art “Artmuza", St. Petersburg, RU


“Way of the Warrior” State Museum of WW2, Moscow, RU


“47 after 74” DK im. I.I. Gaza, St. Petersburg, RU


“Portrait XXI” Museum of Contemporary Art "Artmuza", St. Petersburg, RU


“”. Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg, RU


“What is their Russia about” State Chuvash Art Museum, Cheboksary, RU


“DEUS XX”I Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg, RU


“First Impression” cultural center of Pushkinskiye Gory, RU


“Wakefield Art Walk” Wakefield Art House, Wakefield, UK






Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts "For the best diploma"


Award from Starykh Gallery in the public competition for the painting "And I'm not afraid of death"


First prize in the competition from the I.E. Repin Academy of Arts "Pandemic" for the painting "SARS COV2 positive"


First prize for the painting "Vanishing Memory" at the Institute n.a. A.I. Herzen


Third place in the annual competition "Academic Study and Quick Drawing" at the I.E. Repin Academy of Arts




State Museum of the Second World War, Moscow, Russia


WORKS [ Selection ]

All the works can be purchased here