Max Cavitch is a photographer, writer, and teacher in Philadelphia. He was born in California and grew up in the Boston area, receiving his degrees from Yale and Rutgers. He is the author of numerous scholarly and non-scholarly books, essays, reviews, and poems, including the book, Ashes: A History of Thought and Substance, forthcoming from Punctum Books. More of his writings can be found at this Web site. His photographic works are primarily abstract and architectural, though he is also a dedicated wildlife photographer. They have appeared in publications including Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art, Amsterdam Quarterly, Denver Quarterly, Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art, F-Stop Magazine, The Journal of Wild Culture, L’Esprit Literary Review, Phoebe, and Politics/Letters, and they’ve been exhibited most recently at Art Room Gallery, the Biennale di Senigallia, Blank Wall Gallery (Athens), Boomer Gallery (London), the Chania International Photo Festival, Decagon Gallery, Decode Gallery (Tucson), the Glasgow Gallery of Photography, and the Ten Moir Gallery. Since 2019, he has been a contributing photographer for the public-science project, iNaturalist, and he is a contributing writer at Float Photo Magazine. More of his photographic work can be found at his and Instagram pages, and he can be contacted at: cavitch [at] gmail [dot] com.


WORKS [ Selection ]

All the works can be purchased here