Dan Baumbach spent his youth in New York City doing black and white candid photographs of people on the streets and taking advantage of the many museums that the city has. 
After college he worked for a number of years in fashion and advertising photography before moving on to other things, eventually settling into computer programming. 
His work took him to California where he drawn back into photography to photograph the beauty of the ocean, the Redwoods and the mountains. 
His employment eventually brought him to Colorado where he developed his current style of abstract and intimate nature photographs. 
He is now retired and pursues art photography full time. 




I think of my art the way I think of music.  When you listen to a beautiful piece of music, you’re pulled in by it.  You get quiet and allow the composer and musicians to take you for a beautiful ride. 
I hope my photographs can affect you in a similar way; that they could pull you in, quiet you and transport you. 
Nature is a haven for many of us.  We spend some time in nature and our minds quiet down.  Our seemingly insurmountable problems aren’t so insurmountable.  We’re happy and joyful and quiet.  


I love to wander around trails with my camera and tripod and try to capture essences of the nature experience. They could be clouds, grass, leaves, cascades .… I let my environment quiet my mind and I just respond. When something grabs me I work to capture that experience in a photograph. Most of the time I’m not successful, but the experience of being outside and merging with my environment is enough.

Two dimensional photographs are nothing like the 360 degree experience of being on a trail or sitting by a creek, but quietness is quietness. Spend some time with my images and let them pull you in.

When our minds are quiet, we are happy and at peace.




WORKS [ Selection ]

All the works can be purchased here