CONSTANZE KRISCHER                 


Constanze Krischer is a multidisciplinary artist known for her captivating exploration of themes related to nature, perception, and the human experience. Born and raised in Germany, she combines her background in fine arts with a deep appreciation for the natural world, resulting in works that blur the lines between the organic and the abstract. Krischer's artistic practice spans various mediums, including painting,, each piece reflecting her unique vision and connection to the environment.

Her work has garnered attention for its innovative approach to form and color. Krischer's art invites viewers to engage with and contemplate their own relationship with nature, encouraging a sense of mindfulness and reflection. Through her distinctive style and thought-provoking subject matter, Constanze Krischer continues to make a significant impact in the contemporary art scene.





As a Berlin-based makeup artist turned painter, I began my artistic journey during the pandemic in 2020. This pivotal time ignited in me a desire to explore my own vision of aesthetics and meaning beyond the client-focused nature of makeup artistry. Through my paintings, I delve into themes of solitude and the quest for balance between the self and the environment, often capturing individuals in moments of inward contemplation. Each acrylic portrait I create is meant to convey a sense of calmness while being rooted in their surroundings, reflecting my own experiences during the lockdowns.

My painting technique is a natural extension of my work as a makeup artist; I embrace spontaneity, allowing shapes and expressions to emerge organically on the canvas without preliminary sketches. Although I’m relatively new to the field, I’ve had the privilege of exhibiting my work at BAAM Berlin, and I currently have three pieces on display at Bullys Bakery in Neukölln. I am also excited to participate in an upcoming group exhibition in Tokyo with "art number 23." Through my art, I invite viewers to reflect on their own experiences of solitude and encourage moments of pause and contemplation in our fast-paced world.



WORKS [ Selection ]

All the works can be purchased here