Interview with photographer Kira Gyngazova

Hello Kira! We are happy to welcome you at HAZEGALLERY and would like you to tell us more about you: where you from? How did you approach photography and when did you start?


I am from Russia, Saint-Petersburg. I studied philosophy in the university. I got acquainted with photography when I first went living abroad to France 10 years ago. I bought a film camera on eBay and just started wondering int he cities snapping everything that caught my eye. I didn't know that time that photography could be something more serious, like a job. I never interested in other photographers and even didn't develop photos during a year and barely showed them anyone. That is very different feeling that I have nowadays because it was very pure, just for myself.


I started doing photography full-time when I moved to Bangkok, Thailand 3 years ago. This city literally blowed my mind and as I love cinema a lot, I found Bangkok very cinematographic and started to do a lot of street photos. From this point photography became my main passion and occupation.


Do you prefer shooting digitally or on film?

I prefer digital as sometimes I have to react very fast not to loose a perfect moment, a moment in between.

What’s your definition of beauty?

Aesthetic pleasure  that brings joyful emotion.


How would you describe the colour palette of your photographs? 

It depends on my mood,  I  like desaturated, dark and low contrast tones as well as bright colours as red and green and blue. 

Do you have a favorite photograph or painting, which inspires you?

“The sudden gust of the wind” of Jeff Wall. Every time I see this work something clicks in me.


What visual references do you draw upon in your work?

I collect a lot of paintings on my computer as well as screen shots from the movies. I use them as inspiration.

What are your future goals?

Just want to continue to experiment with subjects and mediums. In the nearest future planning to make a short movie

Instagram Kira @kira.gyn