"Framing Nature's Beauty | An Interview with a photographer Leonor von Salisch

Leonor, a photographer and art director originally from Amsterdam, has been based in Berlin for the past 10 years. She specializes in content creation through photography and videography. With an extensive background in the fashion industry, Leonor shifted her focus in 2018 to exclusively work with progressive brands that aim to contribute to a healthier planet. This shift in direction has infused her work with a stronger political orientation.

Her artistic pursuits revolve around portraying individuals and narratives through video poetry. Nature holds a significant place in her projects as she strives to showcase both the captivating beauty and delicate fragility of our world, emphasizing the urgent need for a radical change in how humanity interacts with Mother Earth.

Leonor's work has been featured in esteemed media outlets such as Süddeutsche Zeitung, Berliner Morgenpost, Myself Magazine, and Grazia Magazine.


With her flowers & seeds series, Leonor is participating in our collective art exhibition "WILD SOULS"  so we asked a few questions about this. 

What originally drew you to work with seeds, and flowers as your subject matter?


It all began with my personal journey toward motherhood. It wasn't an easy path, and it took a couple of years before I finally became pregnant with my son. This transformative experience compelled me to shift my mindset and contemplate the true essence of 'life creation.' It sparked a profound admiration within me for the inherent beauty and boundless potential that nature encompasses, while simultaneously manifesting my greatest wish of becoming a mother.


Seeds have always captivated me due to the remarkable evolutionary potential they hold within. Their capacity for growth and transformation is truly fascinating. Similarly, my fascination with the ethereal beauty of fading flowers as still-life representations serve as a constant reminder of the transient nature of existence—its fragility, the passage of time, and the profound process of transformation. 


Are there a particular species of plant or flower you find yourself consistently drawn to photographing? 


I find myself obsessed with the seeds concealed within fruits, even something as seemingly 'simple' as the core of an apple. Flowers adorned with patterned leaves or possessing bold and captivating shapes, such as ranunculus or roses, never fail to catch my eye. Additionally, I have a particular fondness for capturing the beauty of flowers that bear the marks of a rain shower, as they reveal a unique charm in their damaged state. 


How do you approach capturing the unique characteristics of each individual plant or seed in your images?


My creative journey commences with an in-depth exploration of the shape, color, and size of the organism I wish to closely examine. My objective is to reveal its innate beauty by approaching it as closely as possible. Furthermore, I seek to find compositions where shapes engage in a visual dialogue.



Your work often highlights the details of these natural subjects in a striking way. Can you describe your process for achieving such an effect?


I seek to capture plants and seeds in unconventional ways, transcending the ordinary and treating them as dramatic sculptures. By doing so, I aim to evoke a fresh perspective on nature, prompting us to contemplate its inherent beauty from a different angle.



Beauty and power is a common theme throughout your work. Can you tell us a bit more about this? 


I am profoundly touched by the beauty of natural shapes, genuine individuals, and vulnerable narratives. For me, the essence of beauty arises when strength, authenticity, and honesty intertwine within my photographic realm. Through my work, I aspire to unveil the abundant and powerful beauty of the natural world, from the vast expanse to the tiniest details. My wish is to awaken humanity from its indifference towards our interaction with Mother Earth. Fueled by optimism and hope, I capture a fusion of beauty and strength in my images, nurturing my aspiration for a better world. 



Do you have any advice for aspiring photographers looking to capture the essence of nature and its many wonders in their work?


Rather than searching for the perfect captures, embrace your intuition and truly "see" the natural world in all its distinctive and idiosyncratic forms. Don't hesitate to take a closer look, as the closer you venture, the more hidden universes you will uncover.



What are you hoping to communicate or inspire viewers through your images of Botanics?


Through my exploration of different angles and close examination, I aim to invite humanity reflecting ones personal connection with the natural world. Nature resembles a delicate web or a harmonious orchestra, where every element intertwines and plays a vital role. Through my lens, I hope to inspire others to appreciate the incredible processes that sustain life and nature withholds.





For more info and updates follow Leonor on her Instagram and webpage