Getting to Know an Artist: 5 Questions to SANTO

Santo, born Carla Susanto, is an Indonesian-born, Canadian-American abstract painter currently residing in Berlin. She escaped the challenges of the Suharto regime in Indonesia by securing an art scholarship at the Art Center College of Design in California. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Santo has showcased her artwork at prestigious events and gained recognition from audiences, critics, and collectors worldwide. Embracing diverse cultures through slow travel, she integrates into each city she resides in. Alongside her artistic pursuits, Santo is a devoted mother, passionate rower, and accomplished pianist.  At the beginning of 2024 HAZE.GALLERY announced the representation of SANTO worldwide. 



Please tell us your artistic vita in a few sentences.


My education in design began at a design school in California, known for its intensive curriculum. This experience broadened my understanding of various design aspects, eventually leading me to roles in art direction, animation, and abstract painting. Over time, I found a special affinity for abstract painting. It resonated with me as it allowed the freedom to explore my own ideas rather than adhering to prescribed briefs.


Was there a pivotal moment when you decided to follow your passion? 


To be honest, since I was a kid. Art has been a part of my life since childhood, a realm where I felt most at ease, at peace - especially when other subjects in school didn't come as naturally. 


Can you tell us about the process of making your work?


My creative process involves thoughtful reflection on ideas that capture my interest, often stemming from personal experiences or observations. In my approach to visual art, I try not to overthink, allowing the art to flow naturally. Experimentation is a key part of my process, sometimes leading me to try new materials or techniques, which can bring unexpected depth to my work. I've learned to embrace imperfections, finding that they often add a unique character to my pieces.


What does art mean to you personally? Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish?


To me, art is a personal meditation as well as an outward expression, a way to share aspects of myself with the world. Goal; It's rewarding to think that my art might positively affect someone's environment or mood, whether it brings tranquility or energetic inspiration.


What are your plans for 2024?


For 2024, my aim is to keep exploring and growing as an artist. I'm excited to try out new methods, play with different colors, and continue developing my own voice in the vast world of art.


Explore more of SANTOs art here